How Instagram feed changes will impact business accounts

How Instagram feed changes will impact business accounts

Instagram has recently announced an overhaul to how content appears in the apps feed. The changes will give users more control by breaking up content into three feeds.

Home - pretty much what we have now. A mixture of those we follow, sponsored and algorithm selected posts. The home feed is what the algorithm ranks and recommends based on your user behaviours. Home is all about content that the user will engage with and it will continue to demand consistency, authenticity and value. We will also be focusing on our reach here so think reels and hashtags to attract new followers.

Favourites - hand selected by you and a feed of all the accounts you don’t want to miss (hint: you will want your followers to add you to their favourites so look out for all the social media peeps asking and advising you to use a ‘add to favourites’ CTA as soon as the feature drops). Favourites will be the unicorn that we will all be chasing.

Following - this is where the chronological feed returns. This will be only the accounts you follow and it will appear in real time. So if they are following you, you will appear in their following feed in chronological order. I think this will trigger a return to multiple posts per day - think 2013 revisited.

So, how are we going to work with this?

Ideally, your followers will see enough value in your content to add to favourites. We also want them turning on notifications for our posts (which is something you can start putting in your call to actions now, like today!) and telling Instagram that that want to see everything you post.

Think about those accounts that you look for and miss when then don’t post - this is what you want to be to your own followers.

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