Marketing thoughts and predictions for 2022 

Well, if 2021 has taught us anything, it’s to expect lots of tit for tat and clawing for market share in the social media marketing space.

We’ve been hit with name changes, new features galore and algorithms that no one can crack.

So what do I think we will see more of in the new year? I’ve made a list!

What do I put on my resume when I have no experience?

Often we have done things is our life that demonstrate our abilities and values that at first you may discard as irrelevant. Can you link any of your hobbies, sporting teams or achievements to the attributes that would perform well in the role? For example; were you ever in a leadership role? Perhaps as the captain of your netball team? Think about group projects and the role you played or even your hobbies – maybe you run a local theatre group and help with the marketing. These are all transferrable skills that can be relevant for all types of roles.

Three mistakes on Instagram that are stalling your sales funnel

When you have gone to all the effort to create the perfect photo, you’ve written a witty caption that captures the the essence of your brand and you have an offer too good to refuse what could possibly go wrong?

I often speak to business owners who are doing all the things but that crucial step of moving the client/customer down the sales funnel and closer to a conversion just isn’t happening!

How to do personal on social media without being personal

Sharing your life on socials in the name of promoting your business doesn’t come naturally to many of us. But, as social selling becomes a bigger reality for business owners, the pressure to share yourself has become more of a demand than ever. So, how do we share enough for our audience to know us without oversharing and feeling uncomfortable?