What is a buyer persona? [or avatar]

It’s a natural thought pattern to market to everyone. For example I could say that anyone who has a job or has a social media account they want to grow is my customer and could benefit from my training. But, if I’m trying to cater to everyone I’m trying to cover all kinds of needs and motivations and I’m avoiding talking to my ideal customer in my mission to attract ALL the customers. This is where buyer personas come in.

How to collaborate to grow your business

Collaborating with other brands gives you BOTH the opportunity to leverage each others audience while gaining access to something you need - usually without the need to exchange funds. Think about the ways you could work with someone else to give them what they are looking for while also aiding your own needs. Not ready to look for sponsors? - ask a brand if they are willing to donate product for your event but give them more benefit such as a guest speaker role or tickets to the event. Invite guest speakers into your socials or to contribute to your blog (in return for you doing the same or similar).

How to have a healthy relationship with competitor analysis and avoid ‘comparisonitis’. 

I see it daily. People feeling down and out because of competitors. Now yes, we have our lame copy cats who can’t come up with a good idea themselves and take the easy road of ripping off your stuff - design, ideas, content etc. Sometimes a call to a law expert may be warranted, but, keep in mind we are often exposed to similar material, there are trends we follow and then there are logical business moves to take. If you are in the same industry, with the same ideal client, you will most definitely have crossover!! There have been times where I’ve whipped up tips and advice for my socials and been super pleased with myself for coming up with something new only to find someone else has done very similar and they did it before me!

5 things great leaders do

Leadership for some, comes naturally. For others, life in a management role can be difficult to navigate. Stepping into more responsibility can signal an income bump and a huge sense of accomplishment however a rise to the top often means that your skills as a leader and where you stand in terms of those you lead can become a point of contention.